

Obtain greater knowledge of the vulnerabilities and exposures existing within physical environments through surveys and assessments.  Evaluate the infrastructure posture to identify penetration weaknesses and assess the procedural maturity of response plans to enhance the security standards.

Site Surveys

Physical inspections of a facility and its operations highlight the areas and processes requiring upgrades and improvements. Review the effectiveness of existing protective measures and determine the current risk exposure.

Threat Assessment

Threats emerge from natural, criminal, or accidental sources. Identifying perceived threats and assessing their credibility and severity provides a tangible framework to guide response procedures and resource augmentation.

Risk Mitigation

Reduce the probability and consequences of risk incursions by developing a treatment strategy that aligns with the organizational goals. Adopt flexible options and opportunities to avert even the greatest risk outliers.

Protocol Enhancement

Elevate security strategies from standard routine to exceptional tactics. Improve the response policies to incorporate elastic engagement methods against threat events and risk situations.

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